Riya Joseph Kaithavanathara
2 min readApr 25, 2024

Women in the workspace!

Being an independent woman is not all "bed of roses", when your parents / a home-maker/ your collegues and friends/ an outsider look at you, they see hardwork, money and the money that comes with it. The truth is "the grass is always greener on other side" . Everybody feels that a woman has reached her optimum potential when she is putting her multi-tasking to great use. Then people keep asking why dont you now start a side-hustle or a bonus earnings, it will be more efficient. People expect more from you, they want you to keep upgrading yourself, and they 'll add this line in the end "its for your own good". I Want to say "Well yes, message received !". Every person knows what they want for themselves, what they want to achieve, what most people are struggling is on a “proper plan”. We are worried that the fast paced world are not ready for the growth happening at our own pace. But just take a deep breathe and relax, you have already proved yourself and everyday that you decide to give your best , is a battle already won! The willingness to keep going forward is the most important step, its what counts. But have anybody for one moment thought how a working day would be for a woman on her periods? Each woman experience different period symptoms some can experience cramps, some vomiting sensation, mood swings , irritability and so it goes. For some woman however there wont be any pain or other discomforts , it totally depends from person to person. Women are known to be multi-taskers, but that doesnt mean its easy for them. On a period day, sometimes it takes more efforts than a usual day to stay pleasant and deal with issues logically. You can have irritating / demanding/ angry/ humiliating/ passive collegues who can make your journey hard, much much more on a period day. There are also women who work during their pregnanacy period or sick days , just thinking that "the show must go on!". They all have only one goal, to keep moving forward. Its not easy, thats the whole point, we show up, we try, we hit an ice berg sometimes, we feel like battery is about to die sometimes, and yet we show up the next day, with a renewed hope .

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