Reprogram your mind : Incident 3
We learn patience with experience, being a team player is the key idea when it comes to being in a team commited to deliver something. A commitment is a commitment irrespective of the team. Coming to todays incident. The technical support team in our office seems to be very lazy , and it is reflecting in their behaviour. Sometimes it becomes so unbearable to talk to them, its a strain for me. They keep passing the ball ( in this case work) between other team members, which will slow down the quality of what we deliver. Its hard to talk to them and make them understand the importance of showing-up. Be there, showup, do your job; thats the basic exepctation for anybody when they give you a job. Try from your end! , this is for what you are getting paid. We had to deliver some responses to one of our clients and the support team was tossing the ball, of tasks to me. I informed my senior I have received few technical queries which ideally should be answered by the client itself, it doesnt have to be passed on to us. But since we have to provide the updates to maintain good relations with them, our support team had to connect with them and help them with the queries. But he who is working with that paticular system from the support team , lets call him John Doe, he didnt intervene, his simple response to me that “ you know people TAG me in every mail”, its not my job- that was his attitude. This particular guy, in experience wrt to the company and age is quiet senior to me, hence I couldnt show any signs of authority to deal with this matter otherwise it would have looked rude or disrespectful, even if it didnt , they would have felt it. So I went to my supervisor and asked how can I help the client better, what should I do? I need better understanding to provide the solutions. And he suggested me to make a call to client and talk to them understand what they want and then based on that collect details from testers and support team. I did the same, I was trying to collect updates to share with client when I received a client call and in the conversation my client was literally raising his voice at me and shouting. I remained calm and asked him all my queries and ensured that I will provide the updates by today itself. These are times when emotions can take over us, thus breaking the professional dignity. But it is completely in our hands. Our professionalism is reflected in how we deal with it. So I held back on my tears which would have otherwise trickled down my cheeks and blurred my vision even for a moment, to be clear and express my responses without a hint of an emotion and with sincere concern to the client. Even after knowing that the support team has to be on their feets dealing with this issue as fast as they can, they still was not interested. Maybe he wanted to show his superiority power. Ego is not professional neither is tossing the work into someone else. These people doesnt deserve any respect, for the way they act. Its petty, and doesnt suit a senior person. With seniority comes lots of responsibilities. But I’m happy and proud the way I dealt with the issue. I felt a little easier after the initial hardships.