I feel like , I feel nothing
I feel like,
I feel nothing.
I feel like,
I am not special.
I feel like,
I am just an extra,
Which nobody knows where to fit in.
I feel like,
I have found it,
But then I wind up with nothing,
All the emptiness,
Doesnt get any better.
It just makes me a sad person,
Infront of others.
I feel like,
Well carbon,
Not pressed and polished like diamond,
I feel like,
I keep saying,
But nothing is falling in anybody’s ears!
Am I a ghost?
Am I ?
Am I carbon?
Am I an extra?
Why would I be withheld from happiness?
Why would I?
Maybe this life,
Is to live like this,
With the baggage of feelings,
Of emotions,
Of pain,
Of unworthiness.
People played a great deal of game,
So effortlessly,
And well, what did they gain?
Just seeing me unhappy?
I wish,
No I don’t,
I dont want to wish anymore.
My friends,
I walk with you.
You dont have to be filled in my mind though!
I feel like,
A weed in the garden,
Waiting to be plucked out,
And thrown away.
Would anybody keep a crow as their pet?
I might sing,
And you might just hear a sigh.
I might as well sing,
All thats heavy inside.
You can call me whiny,
But I always stick to my lane.
I don’t brush myself onto others.
Your comments ,
Cannot get any heavier,
Than all thats been piled up in my heart.
But goodluck trying.
I feel like,
Well…alot of things,
But I feel like,
I can speak no more.
Thank you for listening if you did!