How you see me Challenge : Instagram
So this challenge apparently is for couples and the game suggests that we have to find an animal, place, plant, character,season,hobby, colour, crystal and food that represents our partner and place them in a 3× 3 grid. So here is my grid for my beloved partner❤️♾️
Animal — Wolf : Because they run in packs, loyal, intutive and co dependant. They can also detect danger.
Place — Beach (lots of sunlight) : He is a very enthusiastic and fun loving person. He has got a bright and inviting smile. He also has a light mood, he is never grumpy or angry.
Plant — Aloe Vera , because of its hydrating and growth properties. My partner is healthy for me, he helps me grow into a better person and also keeps me from drying up.
Character — Chandler Bing : Because he always has a light mood, funny, a little lazy and laid back, doesnt know what to speak at times, but he is cute even when he is confused, a very supportive and loyal partner.
Season — Winter : He brings the feeling of cuddling up together and what better season than winter to cuddle up. Also he is my little ray of sunshine during the icy cold winter. We also usually meet up a lot during the month of december and january.
Hobby — Netflix and Chill, being a laid back and lazy person he enjoys netflix just like I do. Netflix helps a lot with boredom and we have a cute netflix home page with his and her icons which makes me feel like the his and her name boards people keep for their homes.( Its super cute 🥰)
Colour — Blue and Black, seems to be his favorite colour and he looks good in those colours too.
Crystal — a clear white one: Just like his heart and his simple personality.
Food — Grilled Chicken : We both enjoy chicken. Also he is my healthy chicken, not fried 😅
In total I love my person ❤️ He makes me burst into flames just like a vampire but with a pleasant feeling, not pain. (If you call this cringe, you have never been in a beautiful loving relationship).