How to write a simple Case Study?

Riya Joseph Kaithavanathara
3 min readApr 27, 2021


Let’s do some documentation work, yeah? So, is this the first time you are trying to write a business document or a case study document as part of some research or other work? Then you need to have a thorough study about what to write and how to write. A business case study is nothing but an effective way to help establish your brand or your product or services by demonstrating how you solved similar problems before. A case study requires your time and attention, to make it interesting and understandable to your readers, so knowing the type or category of people whom you are addressing will be very helpful.

First of all, know well about the topic you are writing about. Do some research on the topic. Find its limitations and advantages. Find what are the new scopes or developments that can be brought to this particular topic, and how to implement it. Secondly, know for what category of people you are writing for i.e; know your audience well! Then you need to know how the documentation of a case study is done. For starters let’s see what all topics you have to include in a case study;

  1. A catchy Heading : Many people may see your document, but is there any guarantee that all those who see the document will view it? The main thing that decides this is a catchy heading. A heading should generate a certain kind of curiosity in a reader which will make them think “Hey, whats new?”
  2. Overview: After heading comes an overview about our client, if its a business documentation. There should only be a brief description about the client. One or two sentences will be enough. You need to mention what kind of firm is your client and how big it is, If your client is a business firm.
  3. Challenges : Our main focus should be on challenges faced by our client and how we helped them overcome it. So challenges needs to be mentioned clearly and to the point. Keeping it in points can help get better readers because people may not go for big paragraphs. People can easily get bored seeing huge paragraphs thinking it requires a lot of time to read.
  4. Approach: This can be either an independent subheading or can also be included ad part of the solution. Approach and Solution can be either separate headings or can be included together under the heading “solutions”. Approach is nothing but how did we approach this particular case, this set of challenges. How did we plan to find a solution to it. What is needed to be done to overcome the issue.
  5. Solution : What solution did we implement according to out approach which helped overcome the challenges. Say what software did we use or what were the modules used and how did we use it. Write it step by step, can be written as points. Include minimal points and understandable.
  6. Result : How did the solution help? we understand that when we look into the result section. The result from the solution tells us that, if the solution used by us were effective. Was it efficient? Did it reduce the total operational cost and saved manpower? This result is same as the result of an experiment we used to write in school for physics, chemistry and biology. Its the outcome.

You will get a lot of sample case study documents through net, just go through them for further understanding. Go to some company websites and download their case study or read them. This will help you being a fresher.



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