Boyfriend 101’s
A girl knows a girl better, when it comes to her expectations from her MAN…!!
(Following this immediately might help your case.😋)
1. She is always the best.
2. She is definitely the most beautiful woman.
3. She is right no matter what.
4.The girl you love doesn’t wanna hear you praise another girl. ( dont wanna do this..out of all the points..cause this is a big red flag)
5. Let her talk.
6. Listen to her and remember.
7. Give response from time to time ( she is not talking to a f**king teddy bear and if you wish to be like a teddy bear then why does she need you.)
8. Ask her before you touch her. (Permission is very important, it shows that you respect her and her choices.
9. Respect her, and her decisions.
10. When she needs validations , (even though she knows the answers, give them to her sweetly.)
11. Never play games with her.
12. Never make her cry for another woman.
13. Never ditch plans you make with her.
14. Never ignore her phone calls. If you cant pick up, text her why.
15. Take decisions together. Make her feel included.
16. Dont place restrictions to her freedom or sexiness both are her pride.
17. Be a friend, she wants you to be her bestfriend.
18. Know when to stop, dont carry forward A-jokes to sexting. (She is not going for that).
19. Take initiatives to meet her.
20. Appreciate when she dresses up.
21. Tell her she is beautiful the way she is, even when she is just messy. (Messy women are sexy, like how clumsy boys are sexy, arent they??)
22. Make dreams together (plans).
23. Always make her feel confident.
24. When you are together, be complementing than complaining or compelling.
25. Mention to her timely how attractive she is.
26. Appreciate her efforts.
27. Appreciate her intelligence.
28. Appreciate all her attempts to learn new things.
29. Appreciate her fashion sense and style.
30. Tell her she smells good.
31. Buy her chocolates (especially when she is angry or on her periods)
32. Tell her how beautiful she looks when she is angry.
33. Tell her how sexy she looks in her formals.
34. Show concern when she is sick or her family members are.
35. Ask about her friends.
36. Buy things for her, the price doesnt matter (but dont see her as a cheap and easily woo-able woman) the gesture matters.
37. Be truthful to her. Women finds attracted to truthful men. (That doesnt mean screw another girl and be upfront about it.Dont screw your way to the exit of her heart.)
38. Be loyal, this is the top most rule. The KEY rule!
39. When she cooks or cleans or does anything for you be thankful and show your gratitude and appreciation. (She doesnt have to do it, she is not a maid and thats not her role either. Everything she does is just out of love, not compulsory)
40. Be grateful that she is in your life.
41. Show efforts in the relationship.
42. Love her no matter what.
43. Support her individual dreams and goals.
44. Talk to her and know her fantasies. Be a part of it.
45. When you are with her , its a package, it includes the people she love also.
46. Be reliable.
47. Be a good secret keeper, even if you have to breakup.
(Dont ditch a girl after knowing her secret side)
48. If she cries talking about her ex and how he hurt her, be a shoulder to lean on and know her emotions and from where its coming. Most importantly feel honoured that she is showing you her most vulnerable self.
49. Remember little things about her. Like which food makes her sick, her favorite ice cream flavour, her go-to snack.
50. Show that you are responsible. Be the equal to her.
51. Help each other out in need.
52. Dont be too needy, dont be a stranger either.
53. Hug her instead of going for her breasts.
54. Link your arms to her shoulders instead of her ass.
55. Hold her hands when she is sad, not while crossing roads she is not retarded.
56. Enjoy food with her, dont think about callories.
57. Keep your mouth fresh and dont stink of sweat, (honey you know why, i dont have to tell).
58. Everyday is showcasing your talent of winning her over and over knowing that she is forever yours.
59. Dont skip dates. Infact she loves it when you put in your ideas about dates.
60. Try cooking for her and making something for her.
61. Tell her your secrets and show how much you trust her.
62. Talk to her about your fantasies, dreams and goals.
63. Talk to her about the kind of home you want to build with her.
64. Actions should speak louder than words.
65. Help her select dresses or acessories. Appreciate her choices as well.
66. Admire each other.
67. Honesty is the best policy.
68. Be nice. (Jerks dont get to be the special someone, or the hero of the story)
69. Do your best.
70. Give importance to memories.
71. Dont forget to capture your special moments together.📸
72. Take her for drives.
73. Take her for vacations.
74. Introduce her to your family and friends.
75. Take her to your favorite places.
76. Find out about common interests and share it.
77. Make sure you call her everyday. Talk about the day. Be concerned and flirt a little.
78. Be warm. Be a warm and approachable person.
79. Show her your skills and talent.
80. Be smart, dont be over smart.
81. Be her lover (always).
82. Make her your priority.
83. Let her know her importance in your life.
84. Take her to your office, let her know more about your line of work.
85. Help her grow, the way you would want to grow.
86. Share opinions when she asks for, dont be clueless.
87. Be experimental.
88. Just help her relax, be her wine.
89. Kiss her forehead or cheeks just to bring her brightened smile, the treasure is not always hidden within her lips.
90. Dont let anyone talk wrongly about her.
91. When you know she is right, fight for her ( even if she is perfectly capable to fight her own battles)
92. When she is wrong, gently explain to her once she is cool.
93. Dont blame her ever!!!
94. Dont explain about your ex to her in details.
95. Dont continue being in a toxic relationship with your ex while you have her.
96. Dont be a two-timing bitch.
97. You are a hero not because a lot of girls want you, you are a hero cause you are the one for a particular girl.
98. Be the best you can. (There is always room for improvement.
99. Dont forget her birthdays.
100. Dont ever forget your anniversary date.
101. Give her cute surprises like she is the biggest price!!!!